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"O you who believe! Eat not usury doubled and multipled, but fear Allah that you may be successful" - Surah Al-Imran (Chapter 3, Verse 130) - "
Earning money on money is not permissible in the holy book of Allah (swt), usury is forbidden according to the words of the creator. At the same time, Allah made it permissible for human to get involved in business without indulging in interest.
About Our Organization
Our Vision
Crescent Coop has been established to offer an alternative financial platform to the people who are seeking to become members of this cooperative, purchase shares, own real estate properties, and run business enterprises.
Our Mission
This organization prohibits and addresses both aspects of Riba/Interest: receiving interest for lending and paying interest for borrowing.
Our Values
Crescent first accumulates funds from its members and then offers a financial channel to the members who are willing to save money, earn dividends. This opens a source of fund for individuals who would like to initiate own housing property for now.